Issuance of SSL Certificates Compliant with the EU Directive on Digital Signatures
GlobalSign™, headquartered in Leuven, Belgium, is a long-established Certificate Authority (CA) that issues high-quality digital SSL certificates, SMIME certificates, and PKI solutions for businesses, organizations, and individuals. GlobalSign™ was accredited as the first European Trust Center by WebTrust in 2002. GlobalSign™ issues SSL certificates in compliance with the EU Directive on Digital Signatures.

Benefits of GlobalSign Certificates
- High recognition of certificates
- High trust level among customers due to widespread recognition
- Strongest encryption levels
Good reasons for encrypting with GlobalSign™ SSL certificates
Online consultation: Which SSL certificate is right for you
In four easy steps to your GlobalSign™ SSL certificate - Learn more
Learn about the easy payment methods for your GlobalSign™ SSL certificate at SSLplus
GlobalSign website